Soldiers can be given different types of equipment and assigned different skills based on their randomly-assigned class (Assault, Heavy, Support, and Sniper) and their rank, which acts as a level system that rewards soldiers you keep alive and in missions. Engineers build the new equipment and excavate and construct new facilities in your headquarters. Scientists research alien equipment you bring back and let you equip your squads with newer and better weapons and armor. Half of the game takes place in XCOM headquarters, where you have to manage a large underground installation with multiple types of facilities and uses. You alternate between the strategic organization level and the tactical combat level, winning battles and building your forces to be ready for new threats. You command XCOM, a global team that has to fight the aliens. They're starting with abductions, but as the game progresses it becomes all-out war against Earth. Best Malware Removal and Protection SoftwareĪliens AttackThe premise of XCOM: Enemy Unknown is simple.